TOHO Animation recently released a new trailer for the highly anticipated Kaiju No. 8 anime series and revealed the show’s April 13, 2024 broadcast date, which Crunchyroll will simulcast. The anime adaptation of the popular manga series created by Naoya Matsumoto centers on a man working a job far removed from his childhood dreams who gets wrapped up in an unexpected situation.
What is Kaiju No. 8 About:
The official synopsis for the series reveals:
“In a world plagued by threatening creatures known as Kaiju, Kafka Hibino aspired to enlist in the Japan Defense Force to defeat them.
‘Let’s wipe out the Kaiju together.’ Kafka pledged to his childhood friend, Mina Ashiro. Over time, life circumstances forced them to go their separate ways and caused him to abandon his lifelong ambition.
He found himself employed by Monster Sweeper, Inc., a professional cleaning company that specializes in cleaning up the aftermath of Kaiju battles. Meanwhile, Mina Ashiro is now the Captain of the Defense Force’s 3rd Division. As it stands, he is currently unworthy of fighting Kaiju alongside her.
At work, Kafka crosses paths with the highly motivated Reno Ichikawa. Reno’s undying determination to join the Defense Force leaves no room for failure. His perseverance reawakens Kafka’s ambition of standing next to Mina as they protect humanity from Kaiju together. A dream frozen by time, thawed by a burning promise.”
Wait, What Musical Artists are Attached to the opening (OP) and ending (ED) songs?!
The OP/ED songs of the anime are coming from artists that have landed with some surprise: with the opening song “Abyss” by YUNGBLUD (teaser) and “Nobody” by OneRepublic (teaser). While they wouldn’t be the first non-Japanese musical talents to bring opening or ending theme songs to anime series (one of my all time favorites would be “The Light Before We Land” by Scottish band The Delgados for the anime adaptation of Gunslinger Girl), time will tell if the work of these musical talents land with the anime adaptation. Reactions from fans online, via X (Twitter) range from shock, confusion, and to elation. You can check out YUNGBLUD’s and OneRepublic’s messages about their involvement here and here.
Why the Upcoming Kaiju No. 8 Anime Might Appeal to You?
Do you like anime about Kaiju and monsters and squads created to bring peace to humankind?
Do you appreciate the lovable underdog like guys in anime doing their best?
Do you adore seeing pig-tailed badasses kicking ass and taking names?
Do you identify as a literary nerd or at least enjoy a good Franz Kafka reference?
Do you tend to like comedy and really well-timed hilarious moments popping off?
Do you care for stories about characters getting the chance to revive a dream they previously thought dead?
Original Manga: Naoya Matsumoto (Serialized in “MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA”)
Director: Shigeyuki Miya & Tomomi Kamiya
Series Composition & Screenplay: Ichiro Okouchi
Character Designer & Chief Animation Director: Tetsuya Nishio
Kaiju Design: Mahiro Maeda
Art Director: Shinji Kimura
Color Design: Izumi Hirose
3DCG Director: Masaru Matsumoto
Director of Photography: Eiji Arai
Editor: Aya Hida
Sound Director: Fumiyuki Goh
Music: Yuta Bandoh
Kaiju Supervision(Design & Artworks): Studio khara Animation
Production: Production I.G
Kafka Hibino / Kaiju No. 8: Masaya Fukunishi
Mina Ashiro: Asami Seto
Reno Ichikawa: Wataru Katoh
Kikoru Shinomiya: Fairouz Ai
Soshiro Hoshina: Kengo Kawanishi
Iharu Furuhashi: Yuki Shin
Haruichi Izumo: Keisuke Komoto
Aoi Kaguragi: Shunsuke Takeuchi
Kaiju No. 8 premieres this April on @Crunchyroll and X.
UPDATE: NOTE: Kaiju No. 8 fans can rest assured knowing that, for the first time, Crunchyroll will be streaming the series live around the world at the same time alongside the Japanese broadcast on April 13. It will also only be available on Crunchyroll after the live broadcast, but not only that, the anime will be available dubbed day and date too!
Follow news and announcements about the upcoming anime via #KaijuNo8. See more on via the English language website for the anime here!
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